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December 15, 2023

作者:Molly Alpern,进步传播部副主任

Throughout her time teaching Spanish at ECFS, Esperanza Caño开发了一种教学方法,主要依靠体验式学习-国际旅行, visits to museums, immersion experiences, and hands-on projects into her lessons. Caño也通过参与世界各地无数身临其境的职业发展机会,展示了她始终拥抱个人成长的承诺. 云顶集团采访了Caño,了解了她作为一名教师的经历,以及她在ECFS担任了36年的教师后于2023年6月退休后是如何保持忙碌的.

Caño at the Alhambra, Granada, Spain 


I was teaching at a school in Queens, but my husband, Tate Librarian Tom Carey, 我在Riverdale长大,结婚后云顶集团搬到了附近. 一开始我只是想找一份离云顶集团新家近一点的工作, but when I interviewed at ECFS, 我喜欢老师有这么广泛的能力来制定他们的课程计划和课程——我可以教我想教的,选择我自己的教科书和材料.

剩下的就是历史了——我在这所学校呆了36年,教7年级到12年级的学生. Most recently, 我教9年级的西班牙语强化课和12年级的以当代西班牙和拉丁美洲为中心的课, primarily through film, music, and current events. I loved the freedom that I had in the classroom, the joyfulness of 9th Graders, and the intuitiveness of the seniors. ECFS students are like sponges — they’re so into it.

What kept you at the School for so long?

多年来,学校为我提供了很多专业发展方面的支持. Over the summer I’d go to Spain and take classes; one year I was presented with the Southwind grant to study the pilgrimage route, the Camino de Santiago in Galicia, Spain; I was fortunate to take two sabbaticals during my 36 years teaching, 2005年,我有机会在阿根廷进行富布赖特教师交流. 所有这些学习都帮助我在课堂上保持了参与度和兴奋感. 

我也有一个很棒的部门,我很幸运能成为其中的一员, 导师和同事们帮助塑造了现在的我——玛格丽塔·莱歇尔, Luis Merlo, Camillo Riili, Leticia Zervas, Alicé Montera, and many more. 

What was your favorite project to teach?

我马上想到的项目是关于西班牙内战的,我的高级当代西班牙课结合了历史, art, literature, and poetry. 云顶集团会看关于战争的电影,读诗歌,讨论云顶集团所学到的东西. Then, 历史老师鲍勃·蒙特拉会来给学生们讲当时世界的大背景. 学生们将研究那个时期在西班牙的宣传海报, researching them and presenting their learnings with the class. Sometimes students would even create their own posters. 整节课都包含了关于法西斯主义对西班牙影响的信息, compared the country in the 1930s to modern day, 并探索了这个国家发展到现在所经历的一切. 

I also took a number of international trips with students. I partnered with one of the French teachers, Diane Russcol, to take trips to France; traveled to many different areas in Spain, and even went with students to Cuba. 在这些旅行中,看到我的学生们在每一次互动中都能成功地使用西班牙语,作为一名教师,我感到非常振奋和收获. 

Toledo, Spain

How have you been filling your days since retiring?

As soon as I retired, 我去了西班牙,整个夏天都在那里看望我的小女儿和其他家人, traveling to various cities, and doing a wine tour with my husband, before spending some time in France with friends. In March, 要回意大利了,我很兴奋——我正在上一些意大利语课,为这次旅行做准备! 我喜欢旅行,我的时间一直在安排和计划更多的旅行. 事实上,我刚从阿根廷呆了一个月回来. 我以前的学生,我仍然和他们有联系,每当他们旅行的时候都会问他们应该去哪里, what they should do, 以及我对他们要去的国家或地区有什么建议. 我喜欢听到他们的消息,看到他们在各个讲西班牙语的国家的照片! 

What message do you have for your former students?

When I think of myself, I think of myself as a teacher. It’s really such a big part of my identity. 我是一个女人,一个妻子,一个母亲,一个女儿,但作为一名教师是我的核心. 最终,我的学生是让我成为老师的人. 所以我想说的是,谢谢你们帮助我成为现在的我——我是认真的. And I’d love to stay in touch!

Thank you Esperanza for all your years teaching at ECFS! 如果有校友想与她取得联系,请与ECFS校友办公室联系 [email protected] to be connected.